Tuesday, October 21, 2008

As you can see me and T are already bundled up for the winter cause it's been effing freezing here! We haven't been doing too much these last couple of weeks besides school and work.
Good news: We have a new addition to our family! No of not a baby! A firebelly toad! Tj is experimenting on him for one of his classes. And although I prefer cute fluffy cuddly dogs, this toad is suprisingly entertaining. He lives in a box in our bathroom (cause it's the most humid room in our hourse) and TJ talks to him everytime he goes pee! Other good news is that TJ got his first pharmacy school interview at Pacific University in Oregon. He's pretty stoked about it.

TJ studying his brains out (actually probably watching The biggest Loser)

TJ's firebelly toad! He's always trying to escape!


Bode & Taryn said...

Congrats on your new addition! He is so cute! I think its a he? or maybe a she? anyways can't wait to meet it!

The Stevens Family said...

I love the new addition! and hope the interview went well!

Anonymous said...

This is James Narramore's wife...we met once. Anyway, I found you from blog hopping! Cute new addition! Tell TJ good luck from us...hope you two are doing great! Hope you don't mind but I added you guys to our blog! :D

whitney said...

Heather I did not know you had a blog! how fun!

Bode & Taryn said...

you should look at lindie, shauntae's and whitney's blog. i believe you will see a familar costume:)