We went with Taryn and Bode and a bunch of other people bowling a couple weeks ago. I managed to score under 40 points each game as usual and TJ tries hard but still doesn't fulfill his bowling dream. Anyway, it was a lot of fun.TJ went to Oregon this weekend for his interview at Pacific University. He felt really good about it and said it went well. He also got an interview in at the University of Hawaii and Sulliven University which is in Lousiville, Kentucky (not my prefered choice compared to Hawaii or even Oregon) But I guess we can't choose where we go so we'll see where the wind blows us (Hopefully that wind is blowing towards Hawaii) haha!!!!
Besides TJ's blue balls, only friends and close friends will be able to notice his freshly dyed dark hair. It's only a few shades darker.
Besides TJ's blue balls, only friends and close friends will be able to notice his freshly dyed dark hair. It's only a few shades darker.
This is what I was for Halloween. A Dark Angel!!! I am usually something pretty and for halloween but this year decided to bring out the little goth that I have in me. TJ loved it cause he loves goth!!!!